Designer’s Notes

In the Beginning

One of the first things I do when learning a new language is to discovery how it generates random numbers. Older computer languages from the ’70s had their own built-in random number generators. Technically, they were pseudo-random number generators. But technically, I wanted to program my Star Trek games anyway no matter what they were called.

In the ’80s, I would discover that not all computer languages came with random number generators built in. Many didn’t have such a thing unless some external software library was installed. Both FORTRAN and C couldn’t do random anything out of the box. A math library had to be picked from the many that were out there. And if none were available, a computer class on campus was available to teach you how to program your own random number generator from scratch.

By the ’90s, random number generators were pretty much standardized as for as how accurately random they were. And they were included in standard libraries for various languages. By the time Python was being developed, the C language used to write Python had very robust random number generators. And because Python was written in C, it just made sense for it to make use of C libraries.

For those that are curious, PyDiceroll uses the random.randint() module that comes with CPython. There are stronger random generators out there now, with NumPy being one of them. But at the time of designing PyDiceroll, I didn’t quite understand how-all NumPy worked, or what version of it to install. And for rolling dice, the built-in random number generator would be just fine.

Lessons Learned

In the past, when I needed a random number from 1 to say 6 (see 6-sided dice), I would use INT(RND(1)*6) + 1. And I would be used to doing it that way for probably 15 years or so, because that is how most BASIC languages did things. Other languages like C required me to whip out the 80286 System Developer’s 3-ring binder to find out how srand() and rand() worked, and under what circumstances.

Fast-forward 20 years, and I’m learning CPython without knowing the difference between a CPython or an RPython or any other Python out there. I figured Python was the same all over, even though I had a feeling Linux did things differently because of its filepath naming and OS commands. And of course, the first thing I had to try was Python’s random module, as well as its ugly-looking randint().

Right away I noticed the way Python “loaded” modules was going to be a learning experience. I hadn’t really programmed anything huge since my TANDY Color Computer 3 days running OS-9 Level II and programming in BASIC09 ( Python would reveal different ways of importing modules the more I read about them, and the more code I poured over.

I would soon find that:

import random

print(random.randint(1, 6)) # roll a 6-sided die

Was the same thing as:

from random import randint

print(randint(1, 6)) # roll a 6-sided die

Which looked a bit cleaner. But I was debating if I wanted to use randint() at all in my normal coding.

So while I was learning how to write my own functions, as well as how to go about importing them, I came up with an idea for PyDiceroll. It would include a roll() function, and a die_rolls() function as a “side effect.” Even though die_rolls() had no error-checking, roll() would call it after doing its own error-checking.

I was trying to avoid using:

from PyDiceroll import die_rolls

print(die_rolls(6, 2)) # roll two 6-sided dice

For my dice rolls, I wanted something more readable. Something like:

from PyDiceroll import roll

print(roll('2D6')) # roll two 6-sided dice

It was almost less typing, which I thought was great because I was going to be typing this function a lot for a Python project I had in mind. And it would be a lot easier to spot what kind of rolls were being made in my code. And the simple addition or subtraction of DMs to such a roll was making the function more appealing:

print(roll('2D6+3')) # roll two 6-sided dice and add a DM of +3 to it

The Channel 1

diceroll was written years ago. The Classic Python 2.5 code was used by both my TravCalc and TravGen apps, and got looked at by GitHub visitors who would google-by now and again. But not many programmers will ever use the code because of the simple fact that Python is now version 3.9+ something. So diceroll, along with a slew of other pre-Python 2.6 era modules, are the Channel 1 stations in the room that no TV can possibly watch.

It really comes down to a philosophy. I waited on learning Python until a version was released where I could say, “This is Python.” Or say, “This is what Python should be.” Something like that. Well… Python 2.5.4 was my Python.

I once said, “I believe the next great computer programming language will be the one that remains true to its nature/design as it grows. And doesn’t split the party as it grows.” I hung onto Python 2.5.4 for as long as possible. For a good fifteen years. Or I should say for a great fifteen years. Because they were great. But most great things come with an ending to them.

And so it was, that yesterday I would uninstall Python 2.5.4 along with all its things. And today, I would begin the installation of Python 3.9.4. I guess one could say it was the terminated support for Python 2.x this year that nudged me, along with some of the older Python 3.x terminations as well. Even Python 3.9+ saw earlier Python 3’s as dead weight (Python 3’s that I didn’t want to deal with either), such as 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5. And now they are gone. And I can skip ahead to a refined version of Python 3 with no baggage from 2.6 or 2.7 whatsoever.

Shawn Driscoll
April 23rd, 2021
US, California